

Today is wonderful, guys.  Everything I had hoped it would be.  It's sunny and smiling and I'm really tired, but it doesn't matter because IT'S SO WARM OUTSIDE

This is the easiest way to show you how I feel today:

I don't make these GIFs, I'm just highly amused by them.

Other than the weather, I've got a pretty bummer day today.  I have a paper to write on Ulysses by James Joyce, which I love because I'm a word nerd but I hate because I'm supposed to understand it enough to write a paper about it.  I wanted another English class this semester, so I signed up for a senior paper class on Ulysses.  That's it.  One semester, one book (with Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier over spring break).  That's how utterly crammed this novel is.  Try reading it without a guide.  Try.  I dare you.

I also have my first math test tomorrow, and judging by the quickly worsening grade I have in that class, I will need to study my brains out in order to do just all right.  I also have two meetings tonight, as well as tomorrow's homework to do, and I really need to sleep if I'm going to be awake for my test, and I need to sleep right now because I didn't get enough sleep last night, and

...So that's what's going on with me.  Didn't mean to turn this into a diary entry.

I know that I said I would be revealing something great a few posts ago, but I've been a little sidetracked lately.  However, I am happy to announce that we'll be having frequent guests on this blog, hopefully starting very soon.  I assure you they're funny, weird, and downright cool, just like me

and we'll all have a rollicking good time together.

If you haven't, you should do these things:
  2. If you have a Twitter account, go follow me on Twitter!  (If you don't, it's okay.  All of my tweets are posted to the Facebook page, as well, so you won't be missing anything.)
  3. Give me suggestions!  I'm always looking for cool things to do on the blog.
You guys are the best.  Hopefully I'll have some art/words/cool things to share with you in the not-so-distant future.  If you're into that sort of thing.

Remind me to talk to you about hipsters tomorrow.


  1. Oh man, can't wait to hear about the hipsters.

    1. Oh yes. Hipsters run rampant here in Virginia, and I consider myself a highly-trained hipster spotter.


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