
The Nitty-Gritty

Hey kids.  I know it's been darn near forever since I last posted, but between finals week, packing all of my stuff home for just a weekend, then driving back to school and moving in, I've been positively swamped.  Now my back is still cramping up from unpacking for nearly 6 hours straight yesterday, but at least my room is entirely organized; even my top-bunk bed is made.  Kind of.

It felt like eternity in my classes today.  Because this summer term is shorter than a regular semester (two months instead of four) all of the classes are about 2 hours long.  2 hours x 3 classes today = 6 hours.  4 hours straight, then an hour break for lunch and another 2 hours of class at 1pm.  Isn't life grand?  Not to mention, my first class starts at 8am.  Poo.

Really though, I don't mind it.  At least I'm doing something worthwhile.  It's better than sitting at home and doing nothing, or so I tell myself.

Well, what to tell you about?  I rode my bike a little bit today, but now it's semi-permanently chained to our back deck/porch thing.  Too many hills here in Virginia.  At least for out-of-shape me on a bike.

I've got to go back to school in three hours and finish watching a movie about Martin Luther for my Western Civilizations class (second half, 1500s-modern day), and I am not thrilled about it.  I have homework to go up and do after I finish writing this and before I head back to campus, although I think I'd rather sleep.

That's all I've got for you.  I'm deciding whether or not to do the other summer term (that one is only a month), getting a harmonica within the next few weeks, and am generally running around like a crazy person.  This, however, is all according to plan.  Also according to plan?  Stuffed peppers two houses down tonight, after my Martin Luther movie.

Yeah.  Just how I like it.  :)


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