
Happy Friday, Pathetic Loner!

I just realized that I haven't written a new blog post in over a week and a half.  Why didn't anyone tell me?!

Okay, update on me.  I've been doing great!  Guess that's why I forgot to post earlier.  I went to Monticello on Wednesday, and although it was a little windy up there, it was awesome.  It was just cool to go on a field trip!  I haven't been on one of those in ages.

Let's see, what else have I done this week?  Oh, we had a benefit concert for Japan/TOMS One Day Without Shoes on Wednesday night, which was lots of fun, too.  Everyone who performed did a fantastic job.

Last night was one of those times when the world rushes up on you and you wonder what the point of doing anything.  It feels like you can see through the world around you into eternity, which makes this life seem like a ridiculous soap opera completed in half-a-second.  The world rushed up on me and then I sat there and realized that I was all by myself in my room, painting my nails over and over.  Pathetic!

Don't worry, that self-pity didn't last for long.  It was just one of those moments where I couldn't help but feel alone.  Away from my family, my friends all out and about, just me and my nail polish and the realization that I was, at that second, truly by myself.  I've gotten so used to living with two girls and always being out on campus with the rest of the students, eating meals in a noisy dining hall and living just down the hall from my friends, that being really alone was kind of weird.

I'm alone again, now that I think about it.  I'm listening to I Can See For Miles by The Who and typing up a blog post and sitting alone in my room.  Maybe I'm alone more often than I thought.

Being alone is okay, though.  Everyone needs to be alone sometimes.

Okay I've been waxing lonely for a little too long now.  I'm really happy, I swear.  I've had a great week, which I hope will only get better.  I'm excited about life, craving adventure.  I just want to get out of BV with some people and go outside and explore.  I wanna laugh and joke around and smell like sunscreen and wear shorts and a t-shirt.

I want to do fun things and meet fun people and make memories.  How 'bout you?  Let's go on an adventure. Come find me sometime.  I love adventures.


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