
Wolverine Pezhead does not approve of this message.

Don't you love the days when you suddenly have the time to finish things that have been building up for a while?  The days when you feel like a superhero because that thing, you know that one thing you've been meaning to do for, like, forever?  It's done, broseidon, done!

That's been my day.  I feel great.  I was completely prepared for class, then I got some housekeeping-type things done (like replacing my sharp-edged, broken ID card), and now here I am, writing a blog in the middle of the day!  And after I write this blog, I'll do some homework, maybe take a nap, and then go to a doctor's appointment to get my physical for wrasslin'.  It's so gosh-darn productive I'm afraid my head will randomly explode from sheer awesomeness at some point throughout the day.

...Not really.

Ultra-productiveness aside, I feel pretty good today.  My swagger don't stop.  It's a nice change, because usually in January, I just feel sleepy.  Not today!  No, sir.

Well, this is a short one, but Wolverine Pezhead is glaring at me, and if his mouth could move, I'm sure he'd be yelling at me to get productive again.  Here I go!  Have a wonderful day, readers.  :)

1 comment:

  1. broseidon, christiano bronaldo, chef bro r dee, broasaurus, brobot, bromance, bromosexual, brofessor, bronus brothers


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