
Big Band and Fast Feet

I have recently discovered the merit of the music of the 50s and early 60s.  I'm talking Etta James, Frank Sinatra, The Temptations, Dean Martin, Diana Ross and The Supremes.

I can't tell you how great I feel.

I mean, these are classic grooves.  I carry my iPod with me everywhere right now because I just can't get enough of it.

What sparked this sudden interest in this music, you ask?

A movie.

Mona Lisa Smile.

You shouldn't be surprised that I would be attracted to a film with Mona Lisa clearly in the title.  It's about Wellesley College in Massachusetts, which is a teeny tiny all-girls lib arts college that is apparently very prestigious and selective.  At least, it was in the mid-50s when this film takes place.

And that, children, is why I'm listening to swingin' music.  It's fun, it's romantic, it's classic.  It's big band and fast feet.  When I walk to it I feel like I'm in a movie.  A good movie, full of love and discovery and youth.  You know.  The kind of movie that would be cool to live at this time in my life.

I just wanted to suggest that you listen to it.  You'd be surprised the effect that good music like that can have on your day.  I mean really good.  Wholesome, innocent.  It's simple.  The 50s were a simpler time, I think.  Life moved at a slower pace.

Oh, right.  Life.  My life is just swell.  My family is swinging by tomorrow night to come pick me up so that we can go to my grandparents' house in Illinois, out in the corn and the trees.  We shall spend the great Eating Holiday, aka the Great American Holiday aka Thanksgiving, among extended family this year.  I can't help but feel it will be more stressful than a break should be, what with all of the small child-cousins running around and screaming.

Family.  Nothin' like it.

I suppose I'll just leave you with that.  If you're American, have a grand Thanksgiving.  If you're not, have a grand week.  I might post later this week but I seriously doubt it.


P.S.  My birthday is in less than two weeks.
P.P.S.  The blog birthday is coming up, too!  We'll have to have a joint birthday party, my blog and I.
P.P.P.S.  I'm writing again.  Aren't you proud?
P.P.P.P.S.  I've been watching way too many chick flicks lately.  If you couldn't tell by the general rose-colored aura of this post.


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