

I've been completely bugged about how awful my last blog post was, and it's bothering me so much that I'm writing another one.


Mona is the little woman that sits on my wrist all day long.  When she's not there I still push back my sleeve to check on her.  It's instinctive.

She's a heartbeat that follows me everywhere I go, counting away my seconds and minutes tirelessly.  When I slow down and lift her up to my ear, I can hear the time ticking as it retreats.  

Mona's been dunked in a tank full of sting rays, drenched in a sudden downpour on the W&L campus, constantly knocked against table edges and chair backs.  She's got some scratches and a thread is loose on her leather band.  She's not perfect.  I've had to reset her a few times because she's gotten off-time, but for some reason that makes me love her more.  We're both ladies just trying to do the best that we can at our task.

My little woman is a classy one, instantly recognizable.  People are always telling her how pretty she is.  She keeps smiling her enigmatic smile, giving away nothing.  

Let me tell you about her smile.  Boy, it's a wonderful smile.  I wrote a little poem, just a stanza, thinking about the gentle curve of her minuscule lips.  Bear with it.

I know a girl with a Mona Lisa mouth
boy she looks so scared most of the time
bracing against braces
as they cut her up
but when she smiles, she seems so satisfied.

She knows that she's not perfect, and she's accepted it.  She's satisfied with her scratched face and her fading buckle.  She's still beautiful.

That's why I always have a space on my wrist for Mona.  She's a pretty little thing, sure, but she's more than that.  She's a mystery, she's a legend, she's shared in my adventures and my mundane tasks.  I feel like a girl with braces that are rubbing against the inside of my mouth, but when I can get past the pain and manage a smile...  I just hope it's Mona's smile.  

In fact, I want more than Mona's smile.  I want a Mona Lisa heart.  I want a big heart that keeps ticking and trying.  I want a Mona Lisa attitude that keeps me smiling no matter what.

Right now, I'm about to zonk out, so I'll just go to bed before my words start running together.  Hopefully this post is a wee bit better than that shoddy last one I scraped together.

Night-o, all. 


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