
The One Where Dain Gives Her Readers Stories

It's crunch time, kiddos!  I've got a final presentation in Intro to Social Work on Friday, and on Monday I have a paper due and a final in Classics of Western Lit.  It's funny, I'm totally unstressed, even when I know that my presentation on Friday has to be around 20mins long and I haven't started it yet.


I'll just update you real quick: I got bored, so I made some minor adjustments to the blog (check out the pretty colors in the navbar!) and added a new page, 'music'.  It's up there in the green, if you can't see it.  I also added a few things to the other pages, so go check them out, too.

Writing's alright.  I just broke out of a slump yesterday, and after this I'm going to go write another chapter before I work on my stupid 20min presentation.  

Sorry if you read this, Prof. Gibbons.  

Anyway, I did my math yesterday and found that I only need to write a chapter a day to have my novel finished by July 1st.  Isn't that great?  Isn't that extraordinary?  A whole novel in a month!  

Let's see, what else?  Today is Wednesday.  I am leaving town in only 5 days!  Then I'll be home for the summer.  Look out, NJ.  I'm-a comin'!

Uhhh, hm.  Well, I've found how much I really like walking, and I'm going to be a little sad when I get to NJ and there's too many roads and people to be able to walk outside of my house and begin a nice stroll.  Especially because I'm always finding new music to add to my iPod, and I like to listen to it when I walk.  I guess I'll have to walk alongside honking cars and obnoxious suburban teenagers and turn up the volume so I can't hear them.

I'm really excited for ya'll to read things I've written.  I have a short story up, if you were unaware, from my creative writing class last semester.  It's definitely not the best thing I've ever done and I'm probably not going to do anything with it but let it rot on my hard-drive,  so here you go.  

Actually, I have two short stories that I can share with you.  They're both silly and I haven't looked at them in months, so forgive any inconsistencies or typos.   (I'm getting real good with the tech stuff...  Just click on 'em and you should be taken to a PDF version.)


OK, they're really lame, I know I know.  The first one is a disjointed something about a blind girl that gets her sight back.  That's the one I wrote for class.  The second is one of my recent tries at 1st person narrative.  It's a really stupid plot and intentionally open-ended.  I wanted to see if I could write romantic things, because I'll be honest, I suck at it.

They're both in first, which is interesting because I never used to write 1st person fiction.  I sneered down on it, thought it childish.  Now it's all I ever write, it seems.

OK WELL ANYWAY.  I have spent too much time here already.  Enjoy your short stories, I hope they tide you over until I can get some excerpts of Okeanos up here.  Should be within the next few weeks.

See you on the flip side.


  1. AHHH YOUR DARK WAS THE NIGHT SHORT STORY. I remember that one! And how much I freaked LOVED it. Saaaaaaaving this to always reread. :D

  2. i thought okeanos was about the blind girl. am i wrong? is there another story i am missing? can't wait to read your short stories!

  3. Nope, Okeanos is in fact, not about a blind girl. I'll post pitches on the Okeanos page later so you can start to get the gist of it.

  4. "but now i see" is a must-read. i thought i knew what i was going to get going into it, but i was wrong....


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